
Child in South Sudan

A UK Charity for an African School

The Friends of Ibba Girls School is a charity (registered in England with the Charity Commission, No 1146220) reliant upon generous people giving some or all of their passion and commitment, expertise, time, contacts, and financial support. We are mobilising people in all walks of life and of all ages thoughout the United Kingdom (and beyond) to make the vision of the new school in Ibba a reality.

Most immediately we need to raise £500,000 for phase 2.

We have successfully completed phase 1 of our project, which was to set up the ground work and the foundations of the school. We have installed four bore-holes throughout Ibba to provide clean running water for the residents there. We have cleared the ground, and created an access road. We have made a security perimeter and built a gate-house. We need now to start phase 2: creating a full  physical infrastructure including electricity, sanitation, classrooms, boarding dormitories for the girls, accommodation for teachers and to be able to appoint a head-teacher and two others so the first class of 40 pupils can join in early 2013. We’re well on the way to hit our target having already raised over 50% of the funds needed to complete phase 2, but we still need your help.

Can you help? Will you help? Please do!

Every contribution we secure is valuable – whether of time, expertise, resources-in-kind, contacts or money itself. Of course, every bit of finance we raise helps – we aim to spend every penny and cent raised from you directly on the project, in South Sudan (including on the architect and project management services). So far 94% of all donations have been spent directly on building, the work of the Friends of Ibba Girls School here in the UK is mostly being done by volunteers, with the exception of formal legal advice. We intend to the greatest extent possible to keep it that way. So may we invite you to make a donation now?  (All donations of money by UK tax-payers can be Gift Aided, which will increase their value to the project).

Making a regular donation

Pledge and pay  online  here, or make one-off donation by post, send a cheque made payable to Friends of Ibba Girls School to the Treasurer:  Eric Shepley (FIGS Treasurer), Ashlar, Icomb, Gloucestershire, GL54 1JE, United Kingdom. (Please, if you can, also email (click here)  to tell us what you are sending so we can look out for it.


England and Wales Charity Registration No 1146220

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